"astro."combining form, relating to the stars, celestial objects or outer space. "illus."abbreviation illustrated or illustration

03 September 2013

Sketches and Colour Roughs selected from 1995 and 2005

I am including some roughs for a little light relief-
 despite sometimes being minimal, they are a huge part of my process.

Colour roughs for Button Sock (1995), a fun picture book and story for children, developed out of other button book ideas including cloth books with pages that buttoned and unbuttoned and another on counting and getting dressed, sadly despite everyones best efforts, producing a book with real buttons proved too costly and somewhat risky from a health and safety perspective! 
As is often the case in this line of business a lot of work never sees production.

Above:  Button sock cover and button land opening page with sun moon and starry backgrounds
 © Aileen Mitchell (UK) 1995. All rights reserved.  

Below: Sun and moon sketch 
© Aileen Mitchell (UK) 2005. All rights reserved. 

Sun and moon sketch (2005)
One of many created prior to the colour rough stage, 
created to present to Bradford Exchange: Germany
 for a tile / plate product.